The Control Joint Problem
There is a big problem with control joints or contraction joints. They are the saw cut joints we cut into concrete slabs to control cracking as the concrete cures. The problem is the floor owner typically wants the floor poured, joints cut, joints filled, and building occupied in 60 days or less. Concrete cures hard in typically 28 days, but it continues to shrink and crack for a about a year. The contraction joint that was 1/4″ when it was cut, can almost double in width in that first year leaving the 1/4″ of joint filler a bit short, cracked and generally a mess. The sidewalls of the joint are left unprotected and the joint spalling begins. You can replace all that gummy polyurea or brittle epoxy with Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender™ and leave your control joint problem behind.
Great education and so true. Roadware concrete products are the best at solving these control joint issues!
Thank you for uploading the video along with your advice. Critical joints are the worst. If you use roadware products like Dave mentioned, you can go a long way in fixing the issue, though.
Roadware concrete products are the best at solving these control joint issues! and thanks for uploading video
I appreciate this information about concrete. It is interesting to learn about the control and contraction joint problems. I did not know that concrete cures hard in 28 days but continues to shrink and crack for about a year. Something to continue would be to settle the ground beneath the concrete to try to avoid this cracking.
Hi Kelton,
Really Roadware products are more useful for repairing any concrete work. I like these products. It is more effective for any kind of concrete repair work. Thanks for your wonderful blog.