Stamped Concrete Crack Repair with MatchCrete™ Clear.
Repair Cracks and Spalls in stamped concrete with MatchCrete™ Clear.
You can use MatchCrete™ Clear Concrete Repair Polyurethane to repair intregal color or stamped concrete.
Remove dirt, loose concrete, repair materials or failed caulk.
![Prepare crack for MatchCrete Clear application](
Use a diamond blade to slightly cut open the crack and clean out loose concrete and debris.
![Stamped concrete repair with Roadware MatchCrete Clear.](
Use tape to mask off the crack.
![Materials need to repair stamped concrete with MatchCrete Clear.](
Gather materials needed to make the repair. From left to right we have some brown concrete pigment, silica sand (43-30 grit), black unsanded tile grout for color, and a mixing cup.
![Materials need to repair a crack in stamped concrete with MatchCrete Clear.](
Dispence the MatchCrete™ Clear into a cup.
![Adding silica sand to Roadware MatchCrete Clear for repairing stamped concrete.](
Add a littlt silica sand to give the MatchCrete™ Clear some base color.
To create your color, add a small amount of powdered concrete pigment and blend with a mixing stick.
![Mixing pigment into MatchCrete Clear.](
Concrete pigments are strong. It just takes a small amount to color the product.
Here we are adding some black un-sanded tile grout to the mix to make a closely matching color to the stamped concrete. You can use many types of sand and dry pigments to create the desired color and texture.
![Blending color into MatcCrete Clear.](
Blend well by hand for about 30 seconds. You will have about 10 – 15 minutes of working time before the product starts to gel. Work in small batches.
![Pour MatchCrete Clear into the crack.](
Pour the blended MatchCrete™ Clear into the crack. The material will start to gel and can be troweled into place before setting.
![Reapiring Stamped concrete with MatchCrete Clear.](
Allow to set for about 30 minutes and pull the tape.
![MatchCrete Clear Stamped concrete repair.](
The repair can will be ready for traffic in about an hour. Roadware MtchCrete™ Clear repairs are tough and will not crack apart like cement based materials. The repair is UV color stable and will not become brittle like epoxy. Please click here for a MatchCrete™ Clear data sheet.