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Concrete Mender™ Cartridge Assembly Instructions – Roadware Incorporated

Concrete Mender™ Cartridge Assembly Instructions

Click here for Roadware 50ml Cartridge Application Tool Instructions #5150

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sx2Wdq26rY8[/embedyt]


Hold cartridge upright.

Hold cartridge upright.

Remove clear overcap.

Remove clear overcap.

Note the flow controller under the overcap.

Remove the black D-shaped plugs and keep for later.

Remove the black D-shaped plugs and keep for later.


Place the flow controller in alignment with the cartridge openings.

Place the flow controller in alignment with the cartridge openings. NOTE: Concrete Mender™ uses a flow controller. Flexible Cement II and MatchCrete™ Clear do not.

Make sure flow controller is aligned properly.

Make sure flow controller is aligned properly.

Place static mixer over flow restrictor and cartridge openings.

Place static mixer over flow restrictor and cartridge openings.

Place retaining nut over the static mixer.

Place retaining nut over the static mixer.

Secure retaining nut.

Secure retaining nut.

Hold cartridge upright and place in the application gun.

Hold cartridge upright and place in the application gun.

Hold cartridge upright and slightly squeeze the application gun to bleed off any excess air in the cartridge.

Hold cartridge upright and slightly squeeze the application gun to bleed off any excess air in the cartridge.

Tilt the cartridge from side to side and squeeze slightly to bleed off excess air in the cartridge.

Tilt the cartridge from side to side and squeeze slightly to bleed off excess air in the cartridge.

Dispence a small amount of material to start the mixing process. KEEP CARTRIDGE POINTED DOWN ONCE MATERIAL IS FLOWING.

Dispence a small amount of material to start the mixing process. KEEP CARTRIDGE POINTED DOWN ONCE MATERIAL IS FLOWING.

Depress thumb trigger to stop material flow.

Depress thumb trigger to stop material flow.

Concrete Mender™ Cartridge Application Instructions

Flexible Cement II™ Cartridge Application Instructions

MatchCrete™ Clear Cartridge Application Instructions