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Roadware Flexible Cement II™, the advanced concrete repair material that is easy to apply and stays in place permanently under thermal or shock movement.
This moisture tolerant two-part urethane is great for repairing cracks and control joints subject to deflection, movement, and thermal expansion or contraction. Flexible Cement is perfect for protecting saw-cut control joints in new concrete construction or repairing failed polyurea or epoxy joint fillers. Cartridge applied Flexible Cement II™ has a slower gel time than polyurea so spot repairs can be made throughout a facility with one cartridge.
The concrete shrinks as it cures for the first year causing the joint to widen and the filler to fail.
Use Flexible Cement II™ to repair cracks, joints and spalls in concrete floors, slabs and surfaces. This video demonstrates bulk mixing techniques and application in a concrete driveway prior for applying a decorative concrete overlay. Roadware Flexible Cement II™ will fill joints ad cracks as well as prevent them from reflecting through the overlay. This material cures in minutes and may be coated within 20 minutes after application.
[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvCbgFpavas[/embedyt]
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More about Flexible Cement II™
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